October 11, 2022
MESA Meeting Minutes:
October 11, 2022 at 12 noon
Attendance: see sign in log
Guest Speaker:
NEII- Amy Blankenbiller- Executive Director
NEII and NEAC are “companion organizations”. Known as the Premier Trade association representing the global leaders in building transportation.
NEII Membership: represents 85% or more of the building transportation industry hours in the US.
NEII was charted in 1934- under the Elevators Manufacturers Associations. At that time there was a strong focus on code
The Board of directors is comprised of elevator manufacturer presidents.
Ensures the focus and strategies are endorsed by industry leaders
Safety is main focus for NEII
NEII collects and analyzes data-
Including types of elevators, near misses, safety, averages for cities, etc.
NEII’s resent structure was set up for better alignment of staff responsibilities across functions and to allow more focus.
Dedicated Safety person
Dedicated Code person
NEII Committees:
Central Code-
Development of code, technical updates, code interpretations, technical input, deviations and variances
Industry meetings
Media Strategies
Government Affairs-
Engage with jurisdictions
Strategy management
Industry Data
Best Practices
Reduce injuries and incidents, accidents
NEII recent objectives
Elevate safety within industry
Accidents have reduced in the past 20 years
Drive fact base policies and goals
Focus on top risks and injuries
9 safety absolutes
Drive towards more diverse, inclusive workforce
Ensure opportunities are available
Recruitment awareness
Influence all stages of code lifecycle
Ensure model code facilitate innovations and choice
Promote adoption of most recent codes
Secure consistent standard and enforcement
Collaborate with labor and other strategic partners
Work together on area of common interests
Mass Topics
A17.1 (2013)
Over 80 deviations from A17.1 in MA code
Only NYC has more changes
Control rooms required even with “MRLs”
Pre-testing for periodic inspections required
Self- attestation of addressing deficiencies allowed
6 states adopt the A17.1 code as is
10 jurisdictions that have more than 10 deviations from the model code
Code Review underway
Board of elevator Regulations hearing Oct 5
NEII submitted comments
Requested meeting to focus on most critical deviations
Goal is to have a draft of the new MA code out at the end of the year
Deliberations of the proposed draft rule may conclude later this year
NEII MA Industry Working Group to meet in November- additional information to follow.
Sing up the NEII’s Newsletter- the “insider” @ NEII.org
Questions: Info@neii.org
Business Meeting Portion:
Octoberfest: Industry Vendors Hosting
3rd annual “Elevator Social” at Trillium Brewery. Draper Elevator, Innovation Industries, Palmer Pads, Peelle Company, Porcelain Patch, and SCS Elevator Products invite you to kick back and relax for an afternoon….Friday October 14th, 1-4pm. Beer, food, prizes and of course…industry networking.
Treasurers Report:
2nd Tuesday in December Christmas Party- Hilton
Scholarship report
Will be issuing two scholarships in March 2023
Membership report
Alpha new members
Website Update: Presentations will be uploaded to the website from our presenters
Golf Outing: no updates
Cruise: may change the location for next year’s event
FS90 compliance
Advantage is able to assist if needed
End of meeting